3 Creative DIY Ideas for Anniversaries

3 Creative DIY Ideas for Anniversaries

Anniversary gifts can become a bit of a problem when you’ve been a couple for quite a few years. After all, there are only so many perfumes, watches and jewelry pieces that you can pass off as sentimental or special presents. 

Additionally, the older your relationship gets, the more creativity and spice it requires. So, a box of chocolates and a flower bouquet just doesn’t cut it. 

If your anniversary is coming up, it’s time to take your art and craft projects to the next level. Here’s what you can do. 

Create A Memory Jar 

If your loved one is somebody who’s intensely sentimental, a memory jar is an ultimate DIY to impress them with on your anniversary. You can start off with literally any plain old jar, just make sure to deck it up with art supplies that you can buy online


Inside the memory jar, use small pieces of coloured paper to write memories, quotes, and anything else that your partner might enjoy. You can roll up these little chits and pop them inside, preferably one for each of the 365 days until your next anniversary. 


Still, confused? Just follow this pattern:


  • Yellow: Self-care tip for the day 


  • Blue: My favourite memories of you


  • Purple: A quote to brighten your day 


  • Pink: Things I Love About My Love 

Frame Your Wedding Vows for Your Better Half 

Let’s be honest, wedding vows are a no-fail option. They can make anyone sentimental and are an incredibly smart idea, especially for an anniversary celebrating a long-held commitment. 


Dig out your wedding vows, order some nice, possibly textured paper from an art shop online, write them down using a delicate stroke using professional paintbrushes or have it printed. 

And then have it framed for the perfect look!  

Go All Out with A Printed Scrap Book

Nothing says hard work like a scrapbook. So, if your partner has been telling you that you’re putting no effort into the relationship, a scrapbook is your final option. 

Dig out old photos, letters and any other small items holding sentimental value, and get started. You can reduce the workload by having parts of it printed though. But make sure to add personalized touches using professional art supplies

Sounds like a lot of work, right? Well, don’t waste any more time. Start by buying art material online from a trusted arts and crafts online store. Our personal favourite is King’s Framing & Art Gallery


Get in touch with them to see what art supplies you’ll need and place an order right away. 

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