A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing an Art Medium

A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing an Art Medium

New artists struggle with deciding which medium is right for them. The most important thing to remember is that there’s no such thing as a right or wrong art medium—you just need to find the one you’re comfortable with. 

Your choice will decide the drawing and painting accessories you’ll have to buy, so learn more about some popular art mediums below:

  1. Acrylic Paints

Acrylic paints are one of the easiest mediums to work with. Therefore, even people with no prior art experience can simply buy an acrylic paint set and start experimenting with them. Acrylic paints tend to dry quickly and are available in different viscosities. Thin acrylics work well for layering, and thicker acrylics are used to add textures to a painting.

  1. Watercolours

Watercolours are more difficult to master since they cannot be used directly like acrylics. You’ll need to learn how to control the colours to get the precise hue you want. You must also keep the colours consistent as you paint to avoid any unwanted dark or light spots in your painting. However, watercolours are worth the effort—as their naturally transparent, delicate results are beautiful to look at.

  1. Oil Paints

Oil paints are slower to dry than other mediums—so working with them will take longer, particularly if you’re using a lot of layers in your art. Having said that, oil paints give paintings a rich, gorgeous appearance. You’ll have to learn to layer properly and use oil paints in just the right amount to avoid cracking.

Other Considerations

These are the things you need to keep in mind:

  1. Think About Your Preferences

Consider which medium you like the most. If the look of watercolour paintings appeals to you more than oil paintings, you’re likely to enjoy working with them despite the challenges involved.

  1. Think About Your Challenges

If you don’t have much space for canvases and other drawing tools and equipment, you’ll need to pick your medium accordingly. Instead of oil paints, you might be better off with quick-drying acrylics.

  1. Think About Your Enjoyment

As mentioned earlier, there’s no such thing as a perfect medium. Practicing your art can be difficult at times because of the learning curve involved, but it should always be enjoyable. You’re more likely to continue with it if you’re having a good time—so you can’t go wrong with a medium that’s fun for you.

About King’s Framing and Art Gallery

King’s Framing and Art Gallery provides art supplies in Canada and more than 55 countries. Check their website for fine art supplies online, as well as paints and brushes set, professional art supplies, and professional drawing tools. Contact the store for more information.

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