Kitakata Select is primarily composed of Gampi fiber, Kitakata Select is a heavier weight version of the original Kitakata washi. This version has the subtle gloss, nice density and soft surface that printmakers have come to love from Kitakata.
Item #: 75-351612200
Description: Awagami Kitakata Select - 17 x 20.5 Inch
Ideal for printmaking artists and other projects.The Chinese characters for gampi literally translates as "goose skin". This paper is sometimes referred to as "silk tissue".This natural gampi is thin, and ideal for chine colle, etching, as well as many types of printmaking methods. Paper Connection's Gampi Collection is made from 100% Philippine gampi, a lustrous, silky fiber native to Japan and other parts of Asia. Both in its sheet form or in the raw fiber form, gampi by its natural make-up reacts to ink as if it had sizing on it. In other words, it holds ink on its crisp, smooth surface beautifully. At Paper Connection, we call it the "queen of printmaking". Furthermore, bamboo produces 35% more oxygen and consumes four times as much CO2 as trees. In addition to its many eco-friendly attributes, Awagami Bamboo Paper has a luxurious texture similar to silk, making it an excellent choice for today's shrewd and environmentally-conscious letterpress and printmaking artist. The Fujimori family has owned and operated the centuries-old Awagami paper factory since the late 1700s. While they are committed to preserving the nearly 2000-year-old Japanese paper making tradition, they are also continually moving forward in the craft, honing modern techniques and practices. The result is a highly diverse range of top quality fine art papers.
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