This natural hair brush is not only affordable for youth to experiment with watercolour techniques. They are also great professional artists who create natural textures like grass or hair by fanning the hair and dipping it in water-based media. These brushes do not come to a reliable fine point. They may also be used for impressionistic works.
Item #: HEINZ-93-6
Description: Camel Hair Round Brush - Size 6
This natural hair brush is not only affordable for youth to experiment with watercolour techniques. They are also great professional artists who create natural textures like grass or hair by fanning the hair and dipping it in water-based media. These brushes do not come to a reliable fine point. They may also be used for impressionistic works. We also recommend this affordable brush for tempera paints, gouache and ink applications. The hairs are soft enough to leave minimal brush marks in the paint. There are no camels harmed in the making of this brush. Camel hair generally means left-over pony and squirrel hair; the combination may vary.
Heinz Jordan
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