Encaustikits by Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch-Enkaustikos Southern Charms Set The Southern Charm set contains colours that speak to the joy, delight, and surprising love that have risen in Patricia since moving to the south-eastern US and unexpectedly finding ‘home’. That home is internationally recognized EncaustiCastle located in Lexington, KY. Explore the colours in this set: Best Loved, Oh My Orange, Flamingo, Cottage Lake, Southern Drive Prop65
Item #: 14374
Description: Encaustikits By Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch - Southern Charms Set
Like all of Patricia Baldwin Seggebruch colours, these were specially formulated for her in collaboration with our colourist and custom paint maker, Kathryn Bevier. Southern Charm includes Best Loved which is a deep transparent chartreuse yellow that is an immediate favourite amongst artists. Oh My Orange is a deep, yet vibrant rosy transparent orange. Flamingo which, is a soft, muted, opaque pink tone that is a great alternative to use for tinting instead of straight white. Cottage Lake is a fresh, pale, cool green that is also opaque and Southern Drive is the palest, dusty blue lavender that is also opaque.
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