Enkaustikos HOT CAKES Wax Medium 16 fl. oz. (454g), Resealable Silver Bag Excellent Basecoat, Topcoat, Glazing Medium, and Paint Extender
Item #: 70129
Description: Enkaustikos Hot Cakes Wax Medium,16oz/454g
Wax Medium is truly a versatile product and is essential in every encaustic studio. This standard wax medium has a 6 to 1 ratio of U.S. Pharmaceutical Grade Refined Beeswax to Damar Gum. All Enkaustikos paints begin with our standard wax medium as the binder to which we add the highest load of artist quality pigments. In order to work with these paints successfully, you will want to extend with additional wax medium. By adding wax medium to our paints, you will enhance the flow and workability of the paint, plus you will find your paints will last much longer. You determine how much wax medium to add to our paints. Wax medium is used to increase the transparency of paints, especially the modern colors like Naphthol, Quinacridones, and Phthalos. Wax medium is also used as a base coat on raw wood surfaces. It can be used for collage, in printmaking, image transfer, or applied as a topcoat to add depth to finished encaustic paintings. Wax Medium is the base of our Enkaustikos Hot Cakes paints. It is made from Unites States Pharmaceutical (USP) grade Beeswax and hardened Damar Resin. We heat filter the Damar Resin, solvents are never used. Wax Medium is a very versatile product. It is used to create smooth or texture top coats, added to wax paints to increase transparency for glazing, plus can be applied as a base coat to prime the seal surfaces for encaustic painting. Wax Medium is also an ideal binding medium for altered arts and collage techniques. Our Wax Medium comes in pastilles (or thin pellets) that are easy to measure, dispense, and melt. Do not overhear, heat below smoking temperature. Use in a well-ventilated area. Conforms to ASTM D-4236
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