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Tri-Art Solucryl Orange 250 ml Bottle

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Solucryl is a revolutionary product that offers the perfect choice for school art classes. Solucryl is a liquid re-soluable acrylic paint that can be used straight from the bottle by simply squirting the paint onto a palette. the paint can be allowed to dry on the palette or teachers can fill cups for the next day lesson. Dried solucryl works like a tempera block by moistening them with a wet brush. Unlike a dry tempera block they are clean vibrant colours that mix nicely and will not flake off or dust when they dry. If you prefer a thick acrylic paint just mix the liquid Solucryl with any acrylic medium to add body to the colour for impasto effects. Odourless non-toxic and versatility make Solucryl the first choice in the classroom.

Item #: TRI351

Description:  Tri-Art Solucryl Orange 250 ml Bottle

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Solucryl Resoluable Acrylic Paint by Tri-Artis the definitive educational paint. Priced to fit neatly into any budget, this economical palette of 20 colours is designed for use by anyone from school-aged children to seniors in a huge variety of applications. Solucryl colours are vibrant, virtually odourless, non-toxic, and best of all, resoluble.

Solucryl behaves like a poster paint, gouache, and watercolour, but with the colour punch and versatility of an acrylic.You can use it right out of the jar, mix it on palettes, or pour it into plastic cups and allow it to dry for use as a tempera block. Solucryl used as a block will instantly moisten with water over and over again.Solucryl dries matte and semi-opaque, and it remains flexible without dusting or flaking.

You can add Solucryl Resoluble Medium to extend colours and aid in mixing, or you can use Solucryl Permanent Medium to make the colour permanent.

What is Solucryl

  • The definitive educational acrylic paint
  • Priced to fit nearly into any budget
  • 20 colours designed for use by ANYONE
  • Huge variety of applications
  • Vibrant, virtually odourless, nontoxic, and best of all, resoluble

Uses for Solucryl:

  • Alla prima
  • Design and illustration
  • Classroom painting
  • Permanent colour - add Solucryl Permanent Medium
  • Mono printing
  • Marbling - add Solucryl Permanent Medium
  • Fabric Painting - add Solucryl Permanent Medium
  • Airbrush - add Solucryl Resoluble Medium
  • Window painting




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