For the most vibrant representation of the full Pigment Marker colour spectrum, we have curated a set to include Phthalo Teal Light, Sap Green, Lemon Yellow, Scarlet and Magenta (Red Shade). The free White Blender that comes with this set opens up further colour possibilities, extending the tonality of each shade and allowing full-colour graduation. For maximum vibrancy and effortless blending, use each colour with Winsor & Newton Pigment Marker Paper. With its interlocking case, you can easily attach this set to others, building your Pigment Marker collection at your own pace.
Item #: 0290046
Description: Winsor and Newton Pigment Marker Vibrant Colour Set 6pk
Winsor & Newton Pigment Markers have taken the marker pen and re-written the rules. Introducing the new Winsor & Newton Pigment Markerâ„¢ ERGONOMIC DESIGN, a pen so revolutionary it will change the way you work forever. Using only the highest grade, lightfast, fine art pigments, there are over 100 beautiful colours to choose from. There's also a unique White Blender that places a limitless palette of tones and hues at your fingertips. This is no ordinary marker. This is creativity without limits. These markers blend easily with a minimum of feathering or bleeding and feature a chisel tip for broad strokes, a fine tip for fine lines and detail work, and an ergonomic barrel design. A unique White blender augments the range of 120 vibrant colours for blending colours, creating pastel colours, softening shades and tones, and even drawing on black paper. Choose from a wide selection of skin tones, earth tones, and landscape colours, plus an extensive range of 24 Grays.
Winsor and Newton
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