General's Woodless Graphite Pencils Pure Woodless Graphite, Black Finish, Pre-Shaped. General's extra smooth, pure woodless graphite is made with the highest quality graphite to ensure success in your fine art drawing. It is the perfect drawing tool to use because of its versatility. Utilize the tip of the pencil to create detail lines or work off the side of the pencil to create bold stroke marks. GENERAL PENCIL-Woodless Graphite Pencils. Perfect for fine art and design, these All Art pure woodless graphite pencils are exceptionally versatile because they can be used on the side for broad strokes and with the sharpened end for fine detail. Available in four woodless graphite pencils (HB, 2B, 4B, 6B, 8B)
Item #: GEN-WG-04497479
Description: General's Woodless Graphite Pencils Open Stock
Type of Store Credit value
Made of pure graphite in a convenient pencil shape and size, these woodless wonders give you more of what you want a pencil for. Purchase a set in each hardness so you can easily render different tonal values.
They're perfect for creating broad strokes and crisp edges, and they can also produce thin lines and render details as you draw or sketch.
Sharpen them with a handheld sharpener without the mess of wood shavings. These pencils come pre-sharpened. HB is the hardest, and 8B is the softest.
Tab content.
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