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Bristlon Synthetic (LH) Filbert 1903-12

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Long Handle Brushes for oil and acrylic!

1903 Filbert - Oval shaped head, broad strokes with soft edge

Silver Brush's Bristlon Stiff Synthetic Brush has stiff, white, synthetic bristles designed to be used with harsh solvents without disintegrating or losing any of their outstanding qualities.

A breakthrough brush for all media, Bristlon is a stiff white synthetic designed for use in oils, water-mixable oils, caseins and acrylics.

Bristlon filaments hold colour and release it evenly. It has a sensational resiliency that's ideal for heavy-bodied paints.

Item #: 1903-12

Description:  Bristlon Synthetic (LH) Filbert 1903-12

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Silver Brush Bristlon® All Media Brushes

A breakthrough brush for all media, Bristlon is a stiff white synthetic designed for use in oils, water-mixable oils, caseins and acrylics. No matter if you love to paint in oils, alkyds, acrylics, caseins or water-mixable oils, Bristlon performs wonderfully with all mediums.

Bristlon brushes may be cleaned thoroughly without harming the brush, grips colour well and have a sensational resiliency required by heavy consistency colour. Superbly fashioned with only the finest seamless, nickel-plated, brass ferrules attached to polished deep blue long handles with majestic silver tips.

It has an interlocked construction providing excellent resiliency, so the brush "snaps " back into shape for a perfect next stroke after each stroke. Bristlon will remain firm without breakage, the ideal alternative on rough surfaces, giving excellent control with a minimal brush stroke.

It has long-lasting interlocked construction and finely chiselled tips, providing excellent resiliency. After every stroke, the brush returns perfectly to shape.

Bristlon filaments hold colour and release it evenly. It has a sensational resiliency that's ideal for heavy-bodied paints.

Bristlon cleans up with any artists' solvent or water without damaging the brush head.

Bristlon uses the most delicate construction and material: Seamless nickel brass ferrules, double epoxy sealed heads, firmly fitted to blue handles with silver tips. Series 1900, 1901, 1902 and 1903.

Bristlon brushes:

  • Great colour control
  • Good stamina when working on rough surfaces
  • Robust interlocked design and finely chiselled tips.
  • Maintain their shape
  • Provides a smooth application of colour
  • Suitable for oils, acrylics and watercolours




Silver Brush

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