Accademia Pads, 120 g/m2 Accademia paper Produced with 100% ECF pulp (Elemental Chlorine Free), FSC® certified from forests responsibly managed respectfully of environmental, social and economic standards. Ideal for sketching and drawing with charcoal, pencil, sanguine, pastel, coloured pencil and ink.
Item #: 44124259
Description: Fabriano Accademia Sketching Pad 16-1/2" x 23-1/3"
Fabriano Accademia Sketching Pads are made of high-quality lignin and acid-free cellulose, guaranteeing long conservation over time. It is produced with 100% E.C.F. pulp (Elemental Chlorine Free), F.S.C. certified (1996 Forest Stewardship Council A.C.) from forests responsibly managed respectful of environmental, social and economic standards. Its internal and external sizing renders it resistant to repeated erasures. Its internal and external sizing renders it resistant to repeated erasures. It is recommended for artists and amateurs to sketch and draw with charcoal, pencil, sanguine, pastel, coloured pencil, and ink.
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