D010 D710 Coral Red/Rouge Corail - PR9 Naphthol Red (Monoazo), PO13 Vibfast Orange 4051, PW6 Titanium White Pigment Orange PO13 is used in inks, textiles, paints, plastics, and rubber. Titanium dioxide's widespread use of the pigment began in the 1940s. Since that time, it has become the most commonly used white pigment. Series: A Lightfast: **
Item #: D010
Description: Holbein Acryla Gouache Coral Red 20 ml
D010 D710 Coral Red/Rouge Corail - PR9 Naphthol Red (Monoazo), PO13 Vibfast Orange 4051 (organic), PW6 Titanium White (inorganic, titanium dioxide) Series: A Lightfast: ** History unknown Pigment Type: Monoazo Chemical Name: n/a Properties: This Naphthol Red is a bright deep red with bluish undertones. It has an average drying time. Permanence: This Naphthol Red has fair to good lightfastness, not because of its masstone, but because it fades in tints. Not suitable for exterior use. Toxicity: Naphthol Reds are not considered toxic. They may cause eye, skin, or respiratory irritation. Contact with dry pigment should be avoided. Alternate Names: Naphthol, Naphthol Bordeaux, Naphthol Carbamide, Naphthol Carmine, Permanent Carmine, Permanent Red. Pigment Orange PO13 is used in inks, textiles, paints, plastics, and rubber. Pigment Type: organic Chemical Name: n/a Properties: Pigment Orange PO13 is a yellowish orange with high tinting strength. Permanence: Pigment Orange PO13 has good lightfastness when used at full strength, but it may fade in tints. It is often replaced by PO61, which has lower tinting strength, but better lightfastness. Toxicity: n/a Alternate Names: n/a Titanium is the ninth most abundant element in the Earth's crust; however, mineral deposits that are economical to mine are less common. Titanium dioxide was first discovered in 1821, although it could not be mass-produced until 1919. Widespread use of the pigment began in the 1940s. Since that time, it has become the most commonly used white pigment. The name comes from the Latin word Titan, the name for the elder brother of Kronos and ancestor of the Titans, and the Greek word tito, meaning day or sun. Pigment Type: inorganic Chemical Name: titanium dioxide Properties: Titanium White is the most brilliant of the white pigments. It is considered an all-purpose oil colour useful in all techniques and the best all-around white. Its masstone is neither warm nor cool, placing it somewhere between Lead White and Zinc White. It is less prone to cracking and yellowing than Lead White, but it still yellows easily. Titanium White dries slowly in oil form, more slowly than Lead White but more quickly than Zinc White. It is opaque in oil and acrylic forms and semi-opaque in watercolour. This pigment has good chemical stability, and its tinting strength is superior to both Lead White and Zinc White. Permanence: Titanium White has excellent permanence and lightfastness. Toxicity: Titanium dioxide is highly stable and is regarded as completely non-toxic. Animal studies do not indicate that it is absorbed biologically, even after long periods of exposure. The primary safety concern is with inhalation of fine pigment dust particles. If inhaled in large amounts over the course of several years, Titanium White may cause a benign pneumoconiosis that is visible on x-rays. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) considers fine titanium dioxide particles, if inhaled, to be a human carcinogen. The primary concern for artists is to avoid exposure to fine particulate dust from raw pigments. Alternate Names: None.
Pigment 1: Naphthol Red PR9
Pigment Name: PR9-Naphthol Red
Pigment 2: PO13 Vibfast Orange 4051
Pigment name: PO13 Vibfast Orange 4051
Pigment 3: PW6—Titanium White
Pigment Name: PW6—Titanium White
Type of Store Credit value
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