M Graham Intermediate 10 Colour Deluxe Watercolour Set is brilliant, highly pigmented, and suitable for all traditional techniques. It has beautiful, even washes and no hard outlines. It is made with exceptional amounts of pigment in an old-fashioned binding medium of pure gum Arabic and natural blackberry honey. This watercolour set includes 10 richer, more indulgent hues, providing a significant and exciting range. The Watercolour 10 Colour Set includes Azo Yellow, Azo
Orange, Pyrrol Red, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Dioxazine Purple, Ultramarine
Blue, Phthalocyanine Green, Sap Green, Nickel Quinacridone Gold, and Burnt
Item #: MG3310SET
Description: M Graham Watercolour 10 Colour Deluxe Set 15ml
M. Graham watercolours are brilliant, highly pigmented, and suitable for all traditional techniques. They have beautiful, even washes and no hard outlines. They are made with exceptional amounts of pigment in an old-fashioned binding medium of pure gum Arabic and natural blackberry honey. This watercolour set includes 10 richer, more indulgent hues, providing a significant and exciting range. The set of 15 ml tubes contains the following colours: Azo Yellow, Azo Orange, Pyrrol Red, Permanent Alizarin Crimson, Dioxazine Purple, Ultramarine Blue, Phthalocyanine Green, Sap Green, Nickel Quinacridone Gold, and Burnt Sienna. M. Graham Intermediate 10-Colour Deluxe Watercolours paint set is:M Graham Intermediate 10 Colour Deluxe Watercolour Set
Mr Graham
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