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In this detailed, three-hour presentation, learn to paint flowers the Bob Ross way from artist Annette Kowalski. Annette will take you through every phase of your beautiful paintings, from preparing the canvas with sketch and background colour to the last “floret” and, finally, your proud signature.
Annette Kowalski’s relaxed and informative delivery is easy to follow, even for beginners!
Running time: 3 hours
Multi-Language Tracks
Item #: AKW1D
Description: Bob Ross Floral Painting Workshop 3hr-Dvd
Bob Ross "Floral Painting" DVD - Learn how to paint flowers the Bob Ross way from Artist Annette Kowalski in this detailed, three-hour presentation.
She will take you step-by-step through every phase of your beautiful floral paintings, from preparing the canvas with sketch and background colour to the last flower and, finally, your proud signature.
Bob Ross "Floral Painting Technique: Roses" DVD - A Favourite flower of many, the rose is often considered the most interesting to paint, and the most beautiful.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Paints, Basecoat, Brush Cleaning, Canvas, Palette and Easel, What to Paint/Ideas and Other Instructional Materials.
Chapter 2: Foliage
Canvas Preparation, Basic Leaf, Basic Leaf Cluster, Tapered Leaf, Tapered Leaf Cluster, Iris Leaf, Tulip Leaf, Small Filler Leaves.
Chapter 3: Basic Flower
Sketch and Background, Underpaint Flower, Highlight Flower, Large Back Petals, Foreshortened Petals, Finishing Touches.
Chapter 4: Daisies, Buds, Details
Chapter 5: Basic Painting
Sketch and Background, Pot, Foliage, Flowers, Underpaint Flowers, Highlight Flowers, Details
Chapter 6: Clay Pot
Chapter 7: Basket
Chapter 8: Basket Painting with Cluster Flowers
Sketch and Background, Basket, Underpaint Cluster Flowers (Lilacs), Underpaint Foliage, Highlight Cluster Flowers, Highlight Foliage, Details and Daisies
Chapter 9: How to Transfer Design
This relaxed and informative delivery is easy to follow, even for the beginner.
Bob Ross
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