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Cotman Watercolour Paint Open Stock

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An excellent range of affordable watercolours. They have good transparency, incredible tinting strength and good working properties.

Cotman is created from both high-quality pigments and more affordable alternatives. Cotman has a carefully chosen spectrum. Designed to mix many colours, we have achieved this by selecting colours based on mass tone, under tone and the character of the pigment itself.

Item #: 303

Description:  Cotman Watercolour Paint Open Stock

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The Cotman Watercolour range has a more uniform consistency than the Artists' Watercolour range benefiting beginners as there is less to learn about each pigment.

The Cotman Watercolour range also relates to the Winsor and Newton Artists' Watercolour range, e.g. Burnt Sienna in both ranges has the same hue. This enables artists to use colours from both ranges with minimal adjustment to their technique.

Costs are kept to an economical level by replacing some more costly pigments with less expensive alternatives. Pigments derive from several sources: Some are natural products, notably the earth, e.g. Umbers, Ochres; others come from metal compounds and are sometimes termed 'traditional' or 'genuine,' e.g. Ultramarine.

The distillation of petroleum yields an ever-widening range of organic pigments often termed 'modern.' Many of the pigments used in Cotman are organic.

Sizes Available

The range offers a balanced spectrum of 40 colours available in Half Pans, 8ml and 21ml tubes.

Whites in the Range

Traditionally the white of the paper provides the brilliance to watercolour and can be used as highlights. However, some artists utilize Chinese White for highlights at the end of their paintings or dull some colour mixtures.

Upgrading to Artists' Watercolour

More than any other medium, watercolour relies upon the variable characteristics of the pigments used in each colour to achieve results. Therefore, choosing from the broadest possible range of pigments means you have superb choice and flexibility to develop your work and technique.

Upgrading to our Artists' Watercolour range means you will have a much broader and balanced spectrum of colours to choose from, giving you the widest choice of pigments and unparalleled brilliance of colour and transparency.




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