Contemporary oil painting mediums are authentic to historic working properties yet safer and more permanent. Galkyd thins oil colours and increases transparency and gloss. When used in greater proportions with oil colours, it levels brush strokes, creating an enamel-like surface. Galkyd is our fastest-drying painting medium. Thin layers will be touch-dry in approximately 24 hours.
Item #: Galkyd Mediums
Description: Gamblin Galkyd Oil Painting Mediums
The contemporary oil painting mediums are genuine to historic working properties, yet safer and more permanent. Galkyd thins oil colours and increases transparency and gloss. When used in greater proportions with oil colours, it level brush strokes, creating an enamel-like surface. Galkyd is our fastest-drying painting medium. Thin layers will be touch-dry in approximately 24 hours. Galkyd is available in the following sizes: 4.2 oz, 8.5 oz, 16.9 oz, 33.8 oz. Gamblin painting mediums (Galkyd, Galkyd Lite, Galkyd Slow Dry, Galkyd Gel, and Neo Megilp) are made with alkyd resin, a highly polymerized soy oil, and Gamsol, a mild, slow-evaporating, odourless mineral spirit. Alkyd resin dries by solvent evaporation, so introducing any air space into a newly opened bottle (or other container used for decanting) allows for solvent evaporation and drying. SDSContemporary Oil Painting Mediums
Maintenance of Alkyd Resin Mediums
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