Acrylic Matte Medium:Matte Medium contains environmentally friendly matting agents, creating a low sheen effect while enhancing the colour. Matte Medium is concentrated and increases the paint film's adhesion, flexibility and durability. It is recommended over water alone (excessive use of water as a diluent decreases the strength of the acrylic film). To thin acrylic colour, make a mixture of 50% water to medium and add to colour until desired consistency is achieved.
Item #: MG43460
Description: M Graham Artists' Acrylic Matte Medium - 4 oz
M. Graham Polymer Mediums M Graham's Matte and Gloss mediums provide ease of use and response to acrylic colours while strengthening the paint film and adding a uniform matte surface or glossy sheen. Use Gloss Medium and Matte Medium to change the surface and finish of M. Graham Acrylics or acrylic paints of other manufacturers. Like all polymer mediums, they dry to a clear finish. The matte medium will appear cloudier. Each M. Graham acrylic colour has its character based on the pigment's properties. Colours with larger pigment particles tend to have a more matte appearance, while finer pigments lead to a more glossy finish. It is left to the artist to make final adjustments as needed.
Mr Graham
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