Title: Whitecaps (Waves) Medium: Watercolour Dimensions: 20” x 16” Framed Price: $395.00
Item #: LiseKing-VA_Whitecaps
Description: Whitecaps (Waves)
The universal law of nature can hold such profound meaning in life. Upon reflective observation of the dynamic natural phenomenon of nature's mutual facet meander of life. As simple as a wave embodies prolific facets of life. Its natural wonders remind me of life's ebb and flow; the universe's transitional cycle always returns to the intermediary host body made of water. The non-static emblematical wave movement represents life’s perseverance and courage, the spirit of their character's optimistic viewpoint towards life, and the ever-changing nature of the universe's correlations to our emotions. The blues, green, purple, and landscape styles symbolize a calm, peaceful spiritual reflection of life and our world and tap into our emotions while meditatively reflecting on the meaning of life. Water’s dynamic ripples or waves mirror life's daily experiences that are unique in sequences and patterns in progressive succession, resonating with our human experiences sometimes, like a gentle pond ripple or a gigantic powerful wave or a tsunami, the impact it has by its action spreads onto our surrounding and can have an impact on others.
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