Title: Point Pelee East Side Medium: Watercolour Dimensions: 31”x23” (Framed) Price: $950.00
Item #: Lise King-VA-Point Pelee East Side
Description: Point Pelee East Side
The Point Pelee watercolour was taken on the East Side of Point Pelee. The side that swimmers should not go in the water for the undercurrent is dangerously strong and known to have taken the lives of unsuspected swimmers. Water's universal law of nature can hold such profound meaning after reflective observation of the dynamic natural phenomenon of Point Pelee. The water draws you in while the undercurrent lurks under the surface for its next victim. Symbolic of life, only some of what looks nice is good to jump in. Water is a powerful force that should be respected and revered. Water can sustain life and take away. Human characteristic nature mirrors water; we give life and can take away depending on our underlying intention.
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